Think Globally,
Act Locally

Media Release

Peja, May 17, 2014
With the motto “Let’s act together for a sustainable future”, the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni has organized for the first time in Kosovo, the celebration of “Drin Day” alongside other countries in the region such as Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece.
The purpose of marking the “Drin Day” was that Kosovo should also be part of the countries of the region in terms of the protection and promotion of rivers and their preservation, increasing the awareness of institutions and citizens in the preservation of natural resources such as rivers and spaces. about them.
The manifestation marking the “Day of the Drin” began at the opening of the fair in the center of the city of Peja, where the organizers of this manifestation from the NGO Syri i Vizioni, the Mayor of the Municipality of Peja, Mr. Gazmend Muhaxheri, the representative of the German Embassy in Kosovo, as well as the representative of the GIZ office in Albania.

Within the framework of the “Work together for a sustainable future” fair, all partner organizations and tourism offices have promoted their work, then the event continued throughout the day with musical performances and dances by local folk ensembles.

Also, various activities have been developed such as; rock climbing in the Rugova gorge, bike tours, educational activities on the river, as well as a visit to the Hydro-Meteorological Institute of Peja and a visit to the water supply center in Radvac with school students and young people as well as representatives of local authorities, well-known sportsmen and personalities.

Present at this event were representatives of the German Embassy, ​​the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, the mayor of the municipality of Peja, representatives of the municipalities of Gjakovë, Prizren and Bajram Curr, as well as officials from the other eight municipalities that comprise the Drin basin in Kosovo. , various artists and sportsmen.

Drin Day in Kosovo was held in the city of Peja by Syri i Vizioni in partnership with other local organizations: Era Group, Merimangat e Peja, Let’s Do It Peja, Fishermen’s Association, Western Porta and Rugova Experience, financially supported by the GIZ project “Adaptation to Climate Change in the Western Balkans” and in cooperation with local institutions in the 11 municipalities of the area where Drini i Bardhë lies, academic institutions and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.

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