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Children willing to monitor schools, parents and institutions on the respect of their rights

Pristina, October 26 – The Non-Governmental Organization “Syri i Vizioni” has held a training for the monitoring of children’s rights within the project “Child Rights Governance – CRC Monitoring (Governance and Rights of the Child – Monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Children) with students of the primary schools “Naim Frashëri” from Pristina, “Ramiz Sadiku” from Peja and “Zekeria Rexha” from Gjakova.

The purpose of this training with the group of children from each school is to empower and prepare them in the field of monitoring their rights, where through questionnaires these students will conduct research in three areas, “The right to education”, “Harassment” and Discrimination (social discrimination)”.
These students, after completing the training with the support of the staff of the Eye of Vision organization, will begin field research through questionnaires where the children in these three schools, their parents and the responsible institutions in these three municipalities of Pristina, Pejë and Gjakovë will be interviewed.

These trainings are part of the “Child Rights Governance – CRC Monitoring” program, which is being implemented by the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” from Peja, supported by Save the Children International and AIDS.

The project is a pilot project in the field of monitoring and is implemented in three elementary schools in three municipalities of Kosovo: “Naim Frashëri” in Pristina, “Ramiz Sadiku” in Pejë and “Zekeria Rexha” in Gjakovë.

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