Think Globally,
Act Locally

Children from Kosovo part of the summer school with children from the countries of the region

Shkodër – Albania July 16 – The group of children for monitoring the International Convention on Children’s Rights from Kosovo, founded by the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni in partnership with Save the Children Kosovo, is participating in the summer school that is being held in Razem Shkodre in Albania. Monitoring groups of children from countries in the region such as: Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine are also participating in this summer school. This summer school with the children of the countries of the region to monitor the rights of children, precisely the International Convention on their rights, is organized by Save the Children in partnership with local organizations.

The summer school is aimed at the exchange of monitoring experiences by the children themselves between different countries, where in addition to the exchange of monitoring experiences, the children are also developing various activities, such as the form of structured debate “Karl-Poper”, also about the forms of the heavy work done by the children in these countries, which is harmful for them, they have given importance to violence in the family, at the same time they are carrying out activities on the theater and the art of photography.

Children from Kosovo and those from other countries have agreed that, in general, very little is done for them by institutions, and even by society itself. According to them, the institutions should do more to improve their position in society, and for them to be part of decision-making, and for their voice to be heard. Children have agreed that there is a lack of activities that should be organized for children, since according to them, apart from those in schools, there are no activities offered where children could be engaged to express their talent.

The children’s group for monitoring the international convention on children’s rights that is participating in the summer school was established within the project “Together 4 children rights”, which Save the Children in partnership with the organization “Syri i Vizioni” are implementing in Kosovo.

In the summer school held by Save the Children, in addition to children from Kosovo, Ukraine, Moldova and Serbia, representatives of partner organizations from different countries are also participating, such as: Syri i Vizioni (SIV) – Kosovo, Women’s Consortium Ukraine (WCU) – Ukraine, Child Rights Informatio Center (CRIC) – Moldova and Child Rights Center (CRC) – Serbia.

At the end of this school, they will make recommendations related to the problems faced by the children and how they see them from their point of view, in which case they will also make reports, which will be submitted to the governments of each state.


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