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June 1 was marked with the motto “The world has no future if there are no children”

Press release

June 1 was marked with the motto “The world has no future if there are no children”

Pejë, June 1 – With the motto “The world has no future if there are no children”, the non-governmental organization Syri i Vizioni has developed activities in some of the largest municipalities of Kosovo, which marked June 1, Children’s Day. In partnership with the organization Save the Children and in cooperation with children’s coordinators in municipalities, children’s assemblies, human rights offices and municipal directorates of education, the activities were developed in the municipalities of Pejë, Prishtina, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Mitrovica and Klinë. .

In the halls of the municipal assemblies in these seven municipalities, the municipal assemblymen, together with the small assemblymen, presidents and presiding officers of the assemblies, have unveiled the motto “The world has no future if there are no children”, which has been a favorite of the assemblies of the children who have selected with dozens of slogans that best represent children.
In public debates between children and mayors, the children have asked them that the municipality and the mayors themselves should do more to create better conditions for them in schools, greater security in cities and more sports and recreational spaces. .
While the mayors of the municipalities of Ferizaj, Gjilan, Peja and Gjakovë have listened to the requests and needs of the children and have promised greater support and attention for them.

Naser Lajqi, project manager from the NGO Syri i Vizioni for this year’s campaign, said that he managed to mobilize the mayors and leaders of the municipalities, who were asked to support the children and the structures that represent them, since the support for the children’s assemblies is a the important aspects of the programs that Syri i Vizioni implements with financial support from Save the Children.

Children’s Day activities have also been developed within the project “EU Support for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Integration of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities 2 – Education for Integration” (called EU SIMRAES 2), which is implemented in partnership with KEC, in the Municipality of Istog and is financially supported by KFOS and the EU. During the day, cultural and sports activities were carried out with the children of the Martin Camaj school in Gurakoc and in Llukac te Thatë Istog, where Syri i Vizioni has educational centers.

Peja, June 1, 2017

NGO “Eye of Vision”

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