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Act Locally

The Code of Conduct workshop is held at the “Xhemail Kada” school in Peja

Pejë-September 20- The non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” within the project “Together 4 children rights- Child protection and Child Right Governance”, supported by Save the Children, has held the workshop for drafting the code of conduct with the elementary school council “Xhemail Kada” in Peja.

The school council has welcomed the initiative of drafting the code of conduct for their school and appreciated the work being done by the NGO Syri i Vizioni and Save the Children, evaluating this initiative as a great help in drafting the code of conduct that has to do with the rights and responsibilities of the students and the teachers themselves.
In addition to the code of conduct for this school and other schools, workshops will also be held to strengthen the mechanisms for children’s rights, and further trainings will be held with students, on various topics, where the school council will also be a participant. (teachers, parents’ council and students’ council) influencing the awareness of students, teachers and parents themselves about children’s rights and addressing violence in the existing mechanisms for children’s rights.

The project “Together 4 children rights- Child protection and Child Right Governance” aims to help children, various organizations and schools in protecting children from violence, to transform schools into safe places for children and to help create and strengthen of child protection mechanisms.

This project is being implemented in nine schools in five municipalities of Kosovo: primary schools “Ramiz Sadiku” and “Xhemail Kada” in Pejë, “Mustafa Bakia” and “Zekeria Rexha” in Gjakovë, “Tefik Çanga” and “Jeronim De Rada” in Ferizaj, “Bedri Gjina” and Andon Zako Çajupi” in Mitrovica, in the period from May to December 2013. The beneficiaries of this project are the students, their parents and the teachers of these schools.

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