Think Globally,
Act Locally

Pejë, December 16 – In a closing meeting with the heads of councils of the Municipality of Pejë, information on Agricultural Subsidies was distributed, an activity organized by “Syri i Vizioni” within the “Active Citizenship” program. The chairpersons of the local councils received an informant that provides contacts and information on subsidies in agriculture, while the meeting also served to discuss how much they are informed by the municipality about grants and subsidies.
According to the heads of the local councils, when the Municipality distributes the notices for the allocation of subsidies to local communities, it does not directly notify them as the heads of these councils. Another concern of theirs is the excessive procedures or the many documents that they have to complete in order to benefit, therefore they request that other forms be found by the municipal officials to facilitate these procedures.
The “Active Citizen” project, which is carried out by the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni”, also conducts other activities with the heads of local councils and other actors who are part of the program, which is financially supported by the Olaf Palme International Center and SIDA.


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