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The public discussion with stakeholders on the Municipal Regulation on the Opening of Complaint Boxes is held

Pejë, 09 August – The Directorate of Education, in cooperation with the Non-Governmental Organization Syri i Vizioni, have organized the public discussion on the Municipal Regulation for the opening of complaint boxes in primary, lower and secondary schools.
Present at this public hearing were the principals of all primary and lower secondary and secondary schools, civil society organizations that work in the field of education and children’s rights, institutions mandated to protect children and respect their rights, representatives of political entities, parents, representatives of the Children’s Assembly and the media.

The Director of Education, Besim Avdimetaj opened the public discussion and said that “this regulation will have a direct impact on the respect of children’s rights and their protection, but also on increasing the quality of education in schools”. He even said that together with Syrin e Vizioni they are also working on completing the amendment of the other regulation that has to do with the rights, responsibilities and obligations of students and teachers in schools.

Naser Lajqi from Syri i Vizioni has said that “Syri i Vizioni and Save the Children are engaged and are working to help schools and responsible institutions in creating mechanisms for the protection of children in schools and outside them, and one of the mechanisms is this regulation”.

While the presentation of the draft regulation was made by the legal expert engaged by Syri i Vizioni supported by Save the Children within the program “Together for the rights and protection of children”.

Those present at this public meeting highly appreciated the need for schools to have such a regulation, which will make complaint boxes in schools functional and will increase the responsibility of these institutions towards children, especially in increasing the quality of education and creating of comfortable facilities for them in schools.

After the public discussion, this regulation will be passed to the municipal assembly and then to the ministry for approval, so that all schools start implementing this regulation at the beginning of the new school year.

The Municipal Regulation for the opening of complaint boxes in primary, lower and secondary schools was drafted with the help of the non-governmental organization “Syri i Vizioni” in partnership with the organization Save the Children, within the program “Together for the rights and protection of children”, and in close cooperation with the Director of Education in the municipality of Peja.


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