mendo globalisht,
vepro lokalisht


In the committees for politics and finance of the municipalities of Peja, Gjakova, Klina, Mitrovica…

December 21, 2018, Gjakovë – Within the framework of the SEED II program “Support for…

Pejë, December 20, 2018 – The Eye of Vision organization held a media conference today…

Pejë, December 19- 30 participants were certified in the two-day training on the topics “Rural…

Peja/December 19. Identifying, addressing and searching for opportunities to solve the primary needs of families…

Pejë, December 17- The ceremony for the distribution of Parents’ Certificates for Positive Discipline in…

Prishtina, December 13- The National Conference of the National Children’s Monitoring Group “Respect Our Right”…

Prishtina, December 6- In Pristina, the national conference “Organization and Functioning of Local Councils at…

Pristina, November 19 – The ROR Group (Respect Our Rights) is holding a series of…

Prishtina, October 3- With the municipal directorates of education and the coordinators of children’s rights…

Salzburg, September 30-October 6- A study visit is underway in the region of Salzburg, Austria.…

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