mendo globalisht,
vepro lokalisht


SiV ka organizuar punëtori me stafin për hartimin e Strategjisë për Monitorim dhe Vlerësim

March 9, 2011: A meeting of the Mobko committee, the urban mobility program in Kosovo,…

March 10: In a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of Deçan, Rasim Selmanaj,…

March 14, 2011: In Peja, the signing of the petition for the drafting of the…

April 21, 2011: With the participation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, municipalities and companies…

With representatives of 13 villages in the area of ​​Rugova, municipal officials and non-governmental associations,…

In the region of Peja, the signing of petitions for the coalition for KOMRA has…

The closing ceremony of the MOBKOS project is held Peja September 29, 2011. Today, the…

Peja- September 27- With the motto “Every day is a day of peace” today in…

Within the framework of the project for the drafting of the action strategy for the…

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